This week the group met several times, via Discord and by phone, to discuss any issues with our current project ideas, possible expansions, and any new findings while conducting individual research. After our discussions we decided upon which specific ideas our individual research would be focused in order to efficiently spread the workload.
It was decided that John would focus on ANC technology and Electrodialysis Desalination as potential new Project ideas. Hunter was tasked with conducting further research into Sonar technology, fire/smoke intensity detection and present his findings later in the week
ANC for Rigid Barriers Budget Total: ~$226
Electrodialysis Budget Total: ~$458
Active Noise Control (ANC) functions on the principle of phase interference.
If a sinusoidal signal is summed with a 180 degree phase shifted copy of itself, the resulting summation is minimal in amplitude.

ANC is accomplished via an array of microphones, sound sources, and adaptive filters.
It is typically found in headphones and modern vehicles
Block and Flow diagrams for barrier ANC

The proposed device will use tactile transducers, like the one pictured, to excite the barrier surface with anti-noise.

This will effectively turn the barrier itself into an anti-noise driver and allow it to vibrate counter to incoming unwanted noise.
Simple demonstration of ANC on rigid barriers:
Electrodialysis is used to remove ionic material, typically salt, from water.
Alternating layers of ion-exchange membranes are assembled into an electrodialysis stack:

An electric potential is placed across the stack. The polarity generated causes the sodium and chlorine molecules to drift towards either cathode and the desalinated water(diluate) is separated from the salty concentrate stream.
John’s research showed that the voltages required are relatively low and that the process can be accomplished with solar energy.
However, details on exact method of stack construction are not known at this time.
Video on Electrodialysis:
Block Diagram of ED Desalination:

(Week 3) Project Idea 1: Wireless Alarm w/Fire Intensity and Gas Detection
Two common methods that for measuring fire intensity is using RGB or YUV edge detection. Below are some of the sources used in determining different types of components, sensors, and fire intensity methods for this design.
AFG fireball is a new type of fire extinguishing ball that automatically deploys 2 to 5 seconds after contact with fire. It can be thrown, tossed, rolled, or placed into a fire and will either put it out or aid in slowing down the intensity until emergency services arrive. This can be applied to the device using a mechanical arm or switch that is programmed to automatically be released in the direction of the fire for additional protection.
These research papers provide methods for applying image processing to determine a fires intensity using edge detection that can be applied to the design, if it is accepted:
“An Auto-adaptive Edge-Detection Algorithm for flame and Fire Image Processing”, by Tian Qiu, Young Yan, and Gang Lu. Source 1:
“Image Edge Detection Using YUV Color Space: An Alternative to RGB Color Space”, by Aliyu LawanMusa, Sani Ahmad Muhammad, Abubakar Sadiq Muhammad, Abubakar Abdullahi Umar, Khadija Mahmoud Sani, and Sulaiman Inuwa Tofa. Source 2:
The first source was useful for demonstrating the method of edge detection, and it's flaws. The second source is what would be used in the design. This method describes programming a visual fire detection algorithm by using the pixels in an RGB image which identifies points of motion to identify its intensity using the YUV spectrum of an image and applies a threshold to the intensities to eliminate the noise. This is measured frame by frame and appears to be the most efficient method.

(Block Diagram) Wireless Alarm System with Fire Intensity & Gas Detection:

(Flow Chart) Wireless Alarm System with Fire Intensity & Gas Detection:

(Week 3) Project Idea 2:
Underground Fault Wire Detection System using The Internet of Things (IoT):
IoT a new concept for me but the source’s below were helpful in explaining the process, to determine if it should be applied to the design. After doing more research it was decided that using IoT would be the most efficient since it is safe and fast for transferring important data instantly along a secure network.
Source 1: “Future Technology with IoT” Source 2: IoT vs WiF

Current transform theory is required for this design to calculate the distance from the fault cable to the supply station. The website linked below explains how this theory works.
Source 3: Current Transform Theory*

Secondary Current:

Ammeter Voltage:

(Block Diagram) Underground Fault Wire Detection using IoT :
