Weekly Minutes with Professor
Design Implementation Phase
Week 12: Thursday, April 7th, 2022 (12pm - 1pm) {Week 27}
Progress Updates:
Todays meeting there was a lot to review, since the previous week needed to be rescheduled, and a lot of progress was made. The team reviewed all the data that as collected from the real world test trials of the ANC device.
Professor Notash gave the following feedback regarding the results:
- Be sure to explain aspects of the charts or try to make them as clear as possible for the moderators to understand without questions.
- If any parts of the design didn't work then explain these parts and how they were analyzed and/or fixed.
- If possible, try to find a way of using less charts to explain more results with using less charts.
Fortunately, the Professor allowed one more week for one final test trial applying 2 transducers at the same time to complete the Success Criteria's agenda. The extra week was also given for the team to work together on improving the accuracy for the microcontroller to read/calculate the SPL value of the MEMS microphones. This was an unexpected setback at the last minute, since the device needed to be complete in order to re-calibrate for the MEMs microphones but the completion of the ANC test trials required priority. Extra care is needed to recalibrate the program to accurately read the SPL values, in comparison to the electret microphones that were being tested, resulting in acceptable results, in preparation for the devices test trials. The team is grateful for this extension providing enough time to complete these tasks.
The team also quickly reviewed the reports current state of completion where the following recommendations were given:
- Equation 3.1 - Requires appropriate "math font" as the formula did not export correctly.
- Figure 3.3 and 3.4 - where difficult to see the details that it contained and should be updated.
- Figure 3.5 - Give brief details of any circuits that are shown in the report.
- Add references to any equations that were researched.
- Detail to line and spacing when editing.
The following new deadlines were given due to the above extension:
- 1st Draft submission of Final Report, Due - Wednesday, April 13th.
- Final Report Submission - Monday, April 18th.
Week 11: Thursday, March 31st, 2022 (Rescheduled) {Week 26}
This week the Professor asked the team if the original meeting could be rescheduled for this Saturday April 2nd, after 2pm. Unfortunately, a member of the team was unable to make this time, so Professor Notash decided to skip this weeks meeting and the team would regroup the following week, Thursday the 7th, at the normal time of 12pm.
In this email, the Professor reminded the team of the following important deadlines:
- April 7: ALL hardware/software/design must be completed (100%).
- April 11: 1st draft submission of the final Report document
- April 18: Final submission of final Report (must have been proofread by Writing Support Center and void of any format issues)
- April 22: Presentations
Week 10: Thursday, March 24th, 2022 (12pm-12:45pm) {Week 25}
Progress Updates:
In todays meeting with Professor Notash the teams progress was reviewed. A test simulation was conducted with the device and testbed to prepare for trial testing this week, with the possibility of conducting a trial test on a test barrier. During the test simulation the testbed was producing too much noise from the opposite end of the testbed, that plays the sound sample from a speaker. There should be minimal to no noise from this end of the bed, so these results could not be used and the testbed may not be usable for testing unless this is resolved. To avoid wasting time, it was decided to do test trials this week in a real-world environment so that we have results this week.
Week 9: Thursday, March 17th, 2022 (12pm-12:55pm) {Week 24}
Progress Updates:
This weeks meeting with Professor Notash we discussed the teams progress over spring break and the approximate percentage of completion at this time, which is believed to be about 80% complete and nearly ready for trial testing. The professor is allowing an extension until next Friday, March 25th, for the team to get the design up to 90%, with the main focus being to complete the construction of the device to begin testing.
Week 8: Thursday, March 10th, 2022 (Skipped) {Week 23}
Spring Break:
Meeting skipped to focus on project.
Week 7: Thursday, March 3rd, 2022 (12pm -1pm) {Week 22}
Progress Updates:
During our meeting with Professor Notash, our team discussed the projects progress from this week and our current agenda, with our main focus being that over spring break that we complete 80-90 percent of the design so that we can attempt to begin testing once the school opens back up after spring break. The Professor decided not to have a meeting during spring break so that the team can focus on the project. Updates will be added to the progress log and regular meeting times will resume after spring break.
Week 6: Thursday, February 24th, 2022 (12pm -1:10pm) {Week 21}
Week 5: Thursday, February 17th, 2022 (12pm -1:30pm) {Week 20}
Progress Updates:
In this week's meeting with Professor Notash our team discussed the results from the test trials for the prototype 2 power supply (ps), conducted at the West Campus's EET Lab. The thermal shutdown issue that occurred during the trial testing with prototype 1 ps was fixed by swapping out two of the linear regulators with switching regulators and modifying them according to their data sheet to meet our specifications (more detail on this can be found in the progress log section.)
With the power supply working, we discussed the remaining parts of the design that we plan to focus on for this week and start testing as soon as possible.
The following focus points and recommendations were discussed:
Professor suggested white backgrounds for future Pspice simulations.
Make future videos in landscape mode rather than portrait, for better viewing experience.
Although the results from testing the power supply were within the 5% benchmark, the minor peak to peak voltage ripple, that was noticed, and mentioned in the progress log, will be continuously monitored. The ripple can also be filtered out, or if time permits the bobbin inductors can be swapped out with shielded inductors, as mentioned in the progress log and data sheet as a likely solution.
Continued simulation testing for both the mic pre-amps and power amplifier and will start designing as soon as possible to begin the testing trials.
- Continue working on the LCD touchscreen and it's GUI to prepare for testing.
Keep adding to chapter 3 as progress is made, and work on arranging it to satisfy the report rubric specifications
Progress Updates:
This week's meeting with Professor Notash, our team reviewed our progress log for this week, as well as the current progress that has begun since Monday. We also discussed the website where Professor Notash noticed that some pages need to be added to the Design phase tabs and to make any necessary updates to them, such as the power supply that was changed. The missing pages included the proposed budget, power budget, timeline and weekly schedule, and the weekly presentation links. These updates to the website will be completed asap. The Professor also asked to email him our agenda for next week.
The following are the tasks sent in the email for our agenda this week: ​
Complete breadboarding/testing of DAC output circuit (completed 2/24).
Begin Breadboarding/Testing of Cirrus Codec.
Testing Input-Output interconnections of Preamp/Buffer, ADC , DAC, Differential Amp.
Continue Arduino Coding/Testing.
Begin DSP Coding and Testing.
Construct Drywall/Stud Sample.
Record Lawnmower and AC Condenser test Signals.
Week 4: Thursday, February 10th, 2022 (12pm -12:20pm) {Week 19}
Progress Updates:
This week our meeting with Professor Notash was shorter than usual due to one of our teammates likely having COVID-19. The second prototype of the power supply was completed and needs testing before we can start testing the other parts of the subsystem, We are unable to conduct testing on campus to avoid the spread of the virus, if the results come back positive.
We discussed getting rest, and hopefully a speedy recovery, but we planned on doing what we can from home in the mean time, hoping that next week our teammate is feeling better and we can focus on getting back on track and make adjustments for lost time.
Week 3: Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 (12pm -12:50pm) {Week 18}
Website & Progress Updates:
During or meeting with Professor Notash, our team reviewed the updates from our progress log, and our first lessons learned that was discovered during our team meet up at the East Campus last week.
Our plans for the remainder of the week included:
Focusing more on Ch3 of the report, and to having it up to date to with our progress log, and adding the data collected.
Finish the power supply prototype and load testing, and adding to the references page, the Ti data-sheets links that were used.
Continue programming the Arduino UI.
Begin breadboarding and testing the mics/preamps.
Once the above is up to date, our goal is begin constructing the ADC/DAC breadboard.
We will also complete the other recommended updates to the website, including the tabs in the progress log Blog section so they are the same as on the website's tabs, so it is easier to follow.
The draft report has been uploaded to the website. We will be arranging and adding progress and data to the related sections of chapter 3 of the draft report. The chapter and sections for 3, 4, and 5 have been adjusted accordingly.
**As requested, the reminder of our weeks agenda, and the link to the Design draft report was emailed to Professor Notash for review. Any updates will be added accordingly and throughout the week.
Week 2: Thursday, January 27th, 2022 (12pm -1:40pm) {Week 17}
Website & Progress Updates:
During our meeting with Professor Notash this week we went over the revisions that were made to the Success Criteria and DER documents regarding the moderators feedback from our teams proposal presentation. Some additional updates will be added to both documents before they are uploaded to the website. These recommendations will be described in more detail below.
We confirmed that the AC-DC power supply will be implemented in the design rather than using the battery powered supply. It was also advised to begin adding our progress to chapter 3 of the draft report as we continue working on the design to help save time as the semester progresses.
DER Recommendations
High Level:
State the name of SPL before abbreviating.
Define periodic and semi-periodic, as it relates to DER, and specify in success criteria.
Testing on windows in real world, campus windows could be best for these tests, and small windows.
Define type of transmit signals.
More specification on the areas of the system that will be tested.
Any critical components that need a DC voltage supply that require a specific stability range should be mentioned, like the MEMS mics, CODECS, etc... Then have these components specified in the success criteria with the required supply values.
Mid Level:
Add the specific controls of the UI that the user will be able to function, like SPL value and fundamental frequency value.
Move "Random Noise" from Medium to Low level and try to replace it with a different medium leveled requirement.
Low Level:
Would be good to add specifics about the size of enclosure. Also include an error percentage, since minor adjustments may be necessary as the enclosure is being made.
Success Criteria Recommendations:
Specify the types of barriers for testing.
Create a subtitle for tested devices.
Adjust number of test trials as discussed in meeting for each section.
Include the minimum current values for each supply voltage tested.
**Don't forget to include any "Lessons Learned" as we work on the project's design.
Week 1: Saturday, January 22nd, 2022 (4:30pm -6:15pm) {Week 16}
Website & Progress Updates:
The first meeting with Professor Notash for the design phase, was changed to Saturday the 2nd this week, but future meetings will be held on Thursdays at 12pm.
During the meeting we discussed the following:
Syllabus: Including all the rubrics for the website, report, and final presentation.
Went over the notes that were taken from the moderators to improve our future presentations.
Write down our notes that we took from the moderators during the proposal and submit it to the professor.
Adding a "Lessons Learned" tab to the website and 1 to 2 slides to the presentation.
Update the "Success Criteria" document and email to professor.
Some of the pages from the Design links of the website were not showing up so those pages need to be fixed and updated (DER, Success Criteria, etc). The changes that were discussed during the presentation will need to be email and confirmed with the professor before uploading to the website. The previous documents should be transferred over to the "Design" section, for now.