All Proposed Ideas
Project Idea 8: Active Membrane Absorber
This project will provide a solution for the attenuation of modal resonances in critical listening environments. By utilizing both the pistonic movement and electro-mechanical properties of readily available loudspeakers, the device will provide the user the ability to modify the targeted frequency, within a certain bandwidth, by either manual value entry or calculation of an axial mode via room dimension. The device shall:
Effectively absorb down to the lower limits of the range of human hearing (ideally 20Hz)
Provide a bandwidth of adjustment regarding the targeted frequency
Occupy a small footprint for easy installation and small-room use
Be expandable via a modular platform
Ideally maintain its frequency setting with power removed
Block Diagram:

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Project Idea 7: Motorized Boom Microphone
The purpose of this project is to aid in the profession of location sound recording, particularly the boom pole operator. We shall accomplish this by outfitting the boom pole with a microphone mount capable of detecting a human subject via object recognition and automatically aiming the microphone at the optimal angle for voice capture. The auto detection feature can be easily bypassed for manual operation of the mics tilt and pan. A proximity device can also be included to ensure the microphone does not enter the frame of the recording camera.
The devices capabilities shall include:
Near silent motor operation/minimization of vibration/sound transmission to the microphone
Accurate identification of a human subject.
Precise aiming of the microphone capsule/polar pattern
Quantization when multiple subjects detected
Ability to manually aim mic
Lightweight construction
Utilize +48v phantom power for operation.
Limit Setting for camera view
Block Diagram:

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Project Idea 6: Smart Controlled Pet Door
This device is designed to detect your pets using the built in Bluetooth on the Raspberry Pi 4 and attaching BLE tags to the collar of the pet (or an RFID tag). As the pet (w/tagged collar) get closer to the pet door, the door will automatically open and close using a DC stepper motor, as they go outside or come inside, but at specific times that will need to be calculated to insure the pets safety.
One of the main purposes for this device is to keep unwanted animals from entering the home through the pet door, and also to help the owner from having to repeatedly open and close the door each time a pet wants to go outside (intended for owners that allow their pets to come and go freely).This can become dangerous when using a basic pet door where other wild animals can enter the home through a non-automated or locked pet door.
Pet door will be motorized and controlled from the raspberry pi using a DC stepper motor (voltage converter will be needed for motor)
Continuous scanning for Bluetooth (or RFID if is used instead) the pets BLE tag inside the collar.
As the pets collar approach's the pet door tests will be conducted so it will open and close at a distance that won't scare the pet or injure the pet.
Door will not open for wild animals and an alarm will sound to scare them off.
Using the raspberry pi's BT and wifi capabilities the door can also be open, closed, and locked by the user by an LCD screen, or programming these functions into a phone app, and also adding a simple manual lock switch on the pet door itself incase the power goes out.
Block Diagram:

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Project Idea 5: Wireless Alarm System (Fire Intensity and Gas Detection)
The design for this smoke/fire intensity & gas detector (Could add on more gas detectors like: Carbon Dioxide, Propane, and Methane depending on environment, using components such as MQ and AQ detectors). This is made for homes, buildings, large boats, airplanes, trains, and busses by using a wifi connection to link all the alarms.
Alarms would be wirelessly connected to communicate with each other.
They can detect, and notify the user(s) of the location of the area or room with the fire or gas leak.
Can measure intensity on whether it is an intense burning fire, small fire, or smoldering.
Programmed to call the local fire department when smoke or a gas is detected.
Having room detection also helps make it safer and more efficient for firemen to locate and eliminate the issue as fast as possible.
The intensity of the fire is determined by using the camera and applying YUV (IMAGE EDGE DETECTION USING YUV COLOR SPACE: AN ALTERNATIVE TO RGB COLOR SPACE) to measure the brightness of an fire compared to a small fire or just smoke to see if an attempt can be made to put it out.
If an extra design element is needed a “Auto Fire Guard (AFG) fireball” could be added to each room that would sit on a rotating arm that would directed at the fire and released down the arm/ramp (design can be improvised) that could then roll into the fire to add extra protection and possibly eliminate the fire or at least slow the fire down until help arrives, since that is its purpose.
Auto Fire Guard (AFG):

Block Diagram:

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Project Idea 4: Acoustic Pipe Leak Protection
Leak detection is needed for all homes, buildings, or any structure that has a pipeline(s). This device shall use a highly sensitive acoustic microphone (or MEMS microphone) to amplify noise frequency created by the leak in a pressurized pipe while adding a ground microphone attachment handle for switching to underground testing since they are typically tested using two separate devices going directly from pipe to ground. This is an essential part of any plumber's equipment and an expensive device.
The intent is to make this device detachable so both can be used and for a far less expensive price. The main components of this device shall be a Raspberry Pi 4, analog MEMS mic, Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), over-ear headphones, modifications for MEMS mic to be detachable (depending on the job), and a color LCD screen along with some proper programing.
Device that attaches to pipe and attachment for ground mic.
Uses an analog MEMS microphone (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) and a high precision analog to digital converter.
Pre-Programed filter settings for efficient analysis of the frequency content.
Common types of acoustic leak detecting equipment:

Block Diagram:
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Project Idea 3: Sonar Water Depth Mapping ROV
The intent for this proposal is to design a Remote Operated Vehicle(ROV) made for bodies of water that are either too shallow or too difficult to enter with a full size boat. This will also be favorable for areas with dense brush and over hanging trees (like many areas in the Florida Everglades) where attempting to use a drone instead would be risky or not possible due to low light, since drone mapping typically involves 3D bathymetric LiDAR imagery. There are still many bodies of water that are not mapped due to this complication. The Device shall:
Effectively measure and plot depth of bodies of water onto birds-eye map using Sonar transducer
Be controlled remotely via RF
Perform a full scan on single battery charge.
Avoid Collision through ToF sensor
Function in adverse conditions
Block Diagram:
Top View

Navigation Pontoon

Sonar Pontoon

Front View

Flow Chart:

Project Idea 2: Self-Powered Water Desalination
This project will utilize combined solar and gravity-fed water turbine power generation as a means for water desalination via the process of electrodialysis. The device shall:
Operate entirely from the power generated via a solar cell, gravity-fed water turbine, and rechargeable battery.
Effectively reduce the salt content of brackish/salt water to safe drinking levels.
Produce a useful amount of desalinated water daily.
Self-Regulate the electrodialysis stack voltage according to various sensor values.
Adaptively distribute power generation.
Automatically pause for system reset.
Block Diagram:

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Turbine Charging

Solar Charging


Project Idea 1: Active Noise Control For Rigid Barriers
This project will seek to provide a solution for the reduction of noise transmission through rigid barriers such as household doors, drywall panels, and ceiling tiles. Utilizing the principles of Active Noise Control (ANC) the device will generate an anti-noise signal in order to counteract incoming noise as it is transmitted through the barrier. The device shall:
Effectively attenuate transmission within a range of frequencies (20-500Hz)
Maintain a safe operating temperature in extreme conditions
Occupy a small footprint for easy installation on pre-existing barriers
Selectively Cancel loudest noise on either side of the barrier
Be expandable via a modular platform
Adapt to various noise sources and barrier types
Withstand the abuse typically experienced by most barriers (Weather exposure and slamming)
Maintain the privacy of its user
Block Diagram:

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