This week the team worked on refining all aspects of the website, deliverables, and report to meet professor Notash's specifications.
The name of our project was updated to:
Active Noise Control for Small Rigid Barriers
and a definition of this title was added to the report abstract
John continued working on the Proposal Report Draft this week. After reviewing the work done last week he added more details into Ch1 concerning important background information on the principles of ANC, the teams motivation behind the proposed ANC for Rigid Barriers, and existing technology.
John also began work on the second chapter, including the block diagrams and flow charts of the proposed device.
John also discovered the Blog feature on Wix and used it to document all past Progress Log entries.
While writing the report, John made a few adjustments to the flowcharts and updated the website accordingly.
John also transferred both the Engineering Specs and DER documents from Excel into Word to perform some format editing.
Hunter started the week making updates to website which included changing backgrounds on the site and removing all the backgrounds containing animations. The Weekly Minutes with Professor page was updated with edits to some previous dates and typos.
The contact information was rearranged for proper formatting updated information.
The Proposed Budget document was also updated this week with the links to the vendors websites, minor refinements to document, and removed check marks, as requested.
The timeline was updated and the proposal and design sections were split apart to improve readability and visual appearance, then uploaded to the website. Chapter 2 of the report was started, however, our group files did not sync online to indicate each others progress. After conversing with my teammate, a lot of progress was made on chapter 2 while I was working on the website for the first part of the week, so we decided to delete what I started from chapter 2 and split the remaining sections. I also focused on completing chapter 3 of the report.
To conclude, this weeks progress log was completed and uploaded and the remainder of this week will be to complete and edit the draft report.